Do I love who I am? I could probably do a prompt on this, but it's also something I can continually revisit. For some reason, when I first discovered Papaya!, that line, Love who you are, had such an impact on me. With everything I've read, experienced, and believed, this still seemed revolutionary. What does it mean? What could it mean?
- Like yourself, myself, and admire myself in specific ways.
- Nurture beginnings. Be my own mentor.
- Be gentle with myself. Allow mistakes.
- Be careful with myself--allow for rest and recovery for illness, costly bravery, difficult decisions, and social overload.
- Cherish strange and excessive tastes as long as they are healthy.
- Move freely and fully in my body. Get strong. Get fit. Believe my body to be capable if not beautiful.
- Let others help me or take care of me. Ask.
- Next time, go ahead and buy the flowers.
- Take pride in my space. Work toward clarity. Make the space recognizable as mine.
- Collect kisses.
- Dissect shame. Learn from it. Discard it.
- Celebrate even small accomplishments--finishing a book, not missing med doses, encouraging someone.