Thursday, August 8, 2019

What Trauma Has Taught Me.

  • I have no idea what people are capable of doing.
  • I don't know much more about what I'm capable of doing.
  • I needed to add to my relationships because it's healthy and so I won't be alone if one or two people leave.
  • I'm stronger than I could have thought possible.
  • I need to cry regularly, even though my ability to cry has diminished.
  • I easily forget to eat when I'm under stress.
  • Josh doesn't necessarily need my help.
  • People can be incredibly generous if they know what one needs.
  • Varying degrees of forgiveness exist.
  • My brain is not trustworthy during or soon after a trauma.
  • Memory is full of holes.
  • "Some hurts never heal" (Next to Normal).
  • Wearing my own clothes steadies me during a crisis.
  • I need something to reach for, something that is familiar, at all times.
  • Sometimes, I can do my best or even get everything right, and it's not good enough.
  • I have to stay alive how ever I can.