Saturday, June 11, 2016

How to Reset.

Reseting is an important skill for anyone. It helps the body and mind heal from internal pain or struggle. It also helps one face the world again.

Some people might do this with a glass of wine or a long drive. But for people with bipolar disorder, the reset may be much more complicated, and it's more critical because one can only bear the darkness so long. One might need multiple resetting techniques. Here are some of mine. I was diagnosed two years ago, so I'm just getting started.
  • Listen to music and pace or dance. 
  • Clean something (this can help take the energy out of a rage).
  • Go to or watch a movie. I get totally distracted.
  • Take a nap or just lie alone in the dark.
  • Make happy lists like goals and wishes.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I'm Glad I Finally...

  • Went to a psychiatrist. He (along with the help of an impressive notetaking Psy.D) quickly gave me the answer to the question I'd asked since I was ten or earlier. I still wouldn't have gone if my mother hadn't insisted.
  • Got on track with my meds. My lithitum level is just right, and I'm having fewer side effects in general. 
  • Found a good therapist (just by luck or blessing) and invested in therapy--I invested thought, trust, emotions, and hope--much more than the copay. I've been seeing my therapist for two years!
  • Had a baby. Josh and I had major worries and never seemed to consider the idea for a long time. But if we had waited any longer, it might have been even worse than the ordeal we endured together. 
  • Dyed my hair (thanks to Mom). I love the black dye.
  • Communicated to figure out how I can help Oliver more.