Saturday, March 26, 2016


Inside the cover of my journal, I write down little reminders to help me stay calm, brave, and healthy.

  • Reduce chaos. Create beauty.
    I've read that reducing chaos (clutter, lack of structure, schedule changes) is so vital for people with bipolar disorder. But when I get rid of something, something else always tries to rush into that space. So I'll fill it with creativity and loveliness.
  • Write through it.
    I did this one day at work when I was breaking down. Setting words down in a little notebook helped me hold my brain together.
  • Introduce others to beauty.
    I love introducing Oliver to showtunes and taking Bruce to shows. I recommend books like The Five Love Languages. I'll keep finding more ways to do this.
  • Don't let fear win!
    This is a big one. It's not about not being afraid. But I can beat fear and still do and be as I wish. I may not always win, but I can win enough.
  • "All is calm; all is bright."
    These words are so reassuring. I want them on pillows and T-shirts.
  • "Read books and don't despair" --Mom.
    Mom is great at making me feel like everything will end up okay. And she reminds me that reading is a great coping strategy.
  • "Minute by minute, that's how you win it." --Newsies.I love how this is a pin-prick focus. Every choice in every moment influences my health and relationships. Even a tiny bit of courage can carry me forward.

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