Friday, April 15, 2016

What Do I Avoid? Does It Deform Me?

These are questions from Natalie Goldberg.

I used to avoid showtunes because I didn't want overwhelming feelings. I do think I missed it. Now, I listen to showtunes every day. I think they are good for me and for my family. Avoid them meant depriving myself of something essential. I missed out on that joy. But now theatre and showtunes are priorities for me.

I avoid laundry. So it gets bigger and more overwhelming. No time seems right for it. It causes stress and clutter. Today, I asked Josh for two hours when he gets home, so I can hit the laundry hard.

What else? I avoid some books I want to read. Usually, this is because the books seem intimidating. But I need to give my brain a workout sometimes. And I don't have to understand everything.

I have avoided watching movies alone. I deprived me of movies that didn't interest Josh. But recently, I watched a movie every evening for a week! It felt great. Now, I know I can just go on Amazon  and watch something if it grabs my attention. I don't have to rely on someone else.

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